Marina - You Are My Why

For the last 20 years, I have been watching Marina City Council happenings. As a former Monterey Herald news reporter, I covered the city as well as its public safety. 


I covered and wrote reports of when 13-year-old Christina Marie Williams went missing, holding it together as I got to know her parents, and when her remains were eventually found. As a community we mourned together. She’d be 32 now.

As a resident, I have shared in both the triumphs of our city - the building of our library and helping to grow it to be the center of community as President of the Friends of the Marina Library, to our lows, the stagnation of nothing moving forward after the pullout of the military and businesses bypassed with Imjin Road detouring traffic out of town. 

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I watched as our police and fire were in an era of jadedness. City Council’s never seeming to have a grip on how to improve our streets, the blight, the embarrassing entryway to town or calling our after-school recreation centers that attract hundreds of young community members “glorified babysitting.”  

Marina in Blight, No Support for Public Safety - Why?

A conversation in 2017 fueled by optimism that Marina MUST do better. Learning of the constantly breaking down fire trucks, I took a closer look at our city. 

Seeing for myself those after-school skaters at the Marina Youth Center and others packed inside doing homework or playing basketball and the younger ones at the Marina Community Center, I wondered why can’t Marina do more?


Why are our streets full of potholes and one storm away from being washed out? Why are there NO RESTROOMS in our parks (as a mom of triplets, that became my biggest beef)? Why can’t our public safety be proud to work in our wonderfully diverse community? Why don’t I see members of our city council out and about at community events, even the grocery store- everyone shops Marina Grocery?

Your Signatures Spoke

That 2017 conversation got me fired up to organize with others to convince YOU, the voters, that change could only happen with your support. In 2018 when members of the city council opted not to support and adopt ballot measures to bring new funds to town, I walked Marina and talked to you about our three citizen-led initiatives.

Measures N, a half-cent sales tax, P a hotel tax and V allowing dispensaries were ways to boost our lowly tax base. That council eventually had no choice but to put them on the ballot, since citizens spoke with their signatures. 

You Told Me You Needed Trusted Leaders

You told me you needed trust in your leaders. You were tired of the same things I was. And I promised to show up at every council meeting to support the things that matter to us. 

Those measures all passed, thanks to you. I attended every council meeting that had to do with budget planning (and more) and, as promised, advocated for what I promised you. 

Marina community members who supported Measures N, a half-cent sales tax, P a hotel tax and V allowing dispensaries were ways to boost our lowly tax base.

Marina community members who supported Measures N, a half-cent sales tax, P a hotel tax and V allowing dispensaries were ways to boost our lowly tax base.

Since then about $3 million annually has come to Marina’s general fund. With that, two new fire trucks, four new fire positions, a 20-year street improvement plan were funded. 

And more importantly, you trusted me to lead that charge of change. 

Self-Serving Priorities

As I watched council the dynamics were embarrassing and shocking. Blatant disrespect, with council members rolling eyes, actually pivoting their swinging chairs so as not to make eye contact. A majority pact of three emerged that made decisions that left me embarrassed for our citizenry. 

As my elderly neighbors walked my neighborhood fearing falls because of uneven sidewalks campaign finance was championed. This in a city where the last election, the two running had no opponents? 

Then redistricting. Maps carving up our city in voting districts were adopted clearly favoring those who had seats and wouldn’t have to run against one another and with no outreach, other than “come to us meetings” that attracted few. I personally let owner friends of a Mexican market know and they let me talk to spanish-speaking patrons.  

Coupled with an attempt to remove your right to vote for Mayor, our voting rights have been threatened. Decisions made for self-serving reasons must cease in Marina.

Marina Deserves More from Leadership

Marina residents deserve more from their leaders. They deserve to feel confidence that their voice is heard and respected and that someone is fighting to fix their streets, give us better parks/recreational opportunities and support for fire and police. I am running for Marina City Council for those reasons - for you.

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Cristina Medina Dirksen is a 20-year resident of Marina, mother of triplets and wife of a firefighter. She works for a county-wide nonprofit. She is running for Marina City Council, District 3 and can be reached at


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