Triple jogger, thx, you got us a crosswalk & a councilwoman (in the running)!


A single person can make a difference. But a single person pushing around a triplet stroller can get a crosswalk!

That would be me. That would be about 10 years ago.

Growing our family in Marina has been about making it better. Trying to get to Windy Hill Park safely ended up transforming my neighborhood and so much more, leading me to run for a seat on the Marina City Council in 2020.

The crosswalk

Well, I was the crazy lady running around Marina pushing a triple jogger stroller in my quest to get out of the house with triplets, attempt to learn to “like” running and complete my first half marathon (ended up doing two, so we might say I’m a marathoner)!

Getting to our park was like a game of frogger, dodging cars and busses along the busy top of Deforest and Beach Roads. I took my concerns to the City, armed with a petition signed by dozens of neighbors. Neighbors got a kick out of meeting Mariessa, Viviana & Ruby and their assorted stuffies that came along for the convincing.

What ensued is a long story. But what resulted isn’t.

Council listened and acted on the need for a crosswalk to Windy Hill Park.

My children got a lesson. I met my neighbors. I became Block Captain of our Neighborhood Watch program and I began attending City Council meetings (bringing the girls along). Our entire family got thrust into volunteering. My hubs Doug and I wanted our kiddos to get outside of themselves and grow up giving back with their time to make our town, and the things we care about better.

Our family has since helped other friends we believe in run and win seats on the Marina City Council, MPUSD School Board, MPC Board of Trustees and the Marina Coast Water Board. We also helped circulate citizen-led ballot initiatives that helped our city’s finances and secured sorely needed funding and support for public safety.

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I’ve committed our family to volunteering - showing the way by leading the Friends of the Marina Library and using my skill sets to expand funding and awareness of the work of Marina Youth Arts. These organizations have grown and built community, bringing people together and improving our quality of life in Marina. I am proud of that! We should all be proud of what we can accomplish together!

I would be happy continuing that work.

But I recognize the need for strong leadership in Marina. The need to bring people together, to LISTEN and act on pressing needs.

So please stay in touch, reach out. We can discuss issues. I’ll post about what matters. And together, we got Marina covered!

I’d be honored to have your support & vote on Nov. 3, 2020 for Cristina Medina Dirksen, District 3 Marina City Council.


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